The special needs teacher's intervention is focused on the specific needs of the student. After having observed the subject in a learning situation, the professional's aim is to create favourable conditions that permit a maximum use of the student facing difficulties' learning potential.
These acts are part of a systematic vision of the sutudent, taking into account individual, cognitive, emotional, family and social factors.
Special needs teacher's action

The special needs evaluation
The special needs evaluation has diagnostic effects since it aims to identify the capacities and needs of the student facing learning difficulties or of the student who risks to develop those difficulties.
This diagnostic evaluation is part of a cognitive perspective, that permits to rule on the efficiency of the processes used by the student in reading, writing or mathematics.
The special needs teacher's action is therefore characterised by a set of didactics and orthodidactics means in order to help the learner to succeed in his learning.
The professional proposes re-educational, teaching and compensatory solutions that will be constantly readjusted according to the progresses observed.
The quality of the relationship, and the friendly look of the professional will progressively lead the subject to regain confidence in his capacities. In this way, he becomes aware of his behaviour and does not delay in changing it.
While the change is operating, the child will find new happiness and the motivation that will contribute to arousal of his curiosity.

The special needs teacher also proposes efficient strategies to overcome or to compensate for his difficulties by keeping an interaction. He helps him to build his reasoning and sometimes corrects his mental representations in order to give a meaning to his learning.
He insists on the knowledge transfer in order to fix the previous level of attainment and to prepare for the future.
He provokes questions in order to arouse the learner"s interest and makes him progress significantly.
The dialogue is primordial because it permits to remove the ambiguities and makes the implicit emerge.
In children, the implicit notion is very important because it is often missing, or incorrect in their mind.
The speical needs teacher acts in close collaboration with the school protagonists and coordinates his activities with re-education professionals.