Professional experience
Administrative management and organisation
Work market Laws (supply and demand, competition, globalisation...)
Functioning and firm management
Internal and external organisation: commercial policy, fiscal and social obligations…
Good mastery of the needs, demand and constraints of the managers

The Ortho' School project
School learning process and special education
Academic difficulties and impaired learnings

A twenty-year professional experience helped me to build a strong knowledge in firms and teaching sectors.
Human Ressources Direction
Manager assistant in SMEs
Sandrine BRUN - a special needs teacher for about 10 years opened her remedial teaching oriented doctor's surgery for children facing scholarly difficulties. Sandrine BRUN is graduated in Science Education and specialised in scholarly difficulties and learning troubles.
Her perseverance, her sensivity and attention to other people are escorting her since the very beginning of her training in the question of learning difficulties and every day it helps her in finding solutions to the children she is in charge of.
Her interest in communication, human, in particular Education, and the transfer of knowledge made her to specialise in this sector.
Ortho' School is the result of years, of training, specialising and practicing in scholarly difficulties. It is also a daily process through which reflection and re-evaluation make those practices to evolve.

Acquisition of the oral and writing language
Cognitive development
Cognitive troubles and effects on learning
Preventing academic failure
Parental guidance
Child development
Foundations of psychology
Psychology of education
History of education specialists

Functioning of school
Managing classrooms, meetings, student councils, internship research.
Issues of the teachers in managing overloaded classrooms everyday, learning difficulties, curriculums...

The origin of the project
Social skills and know-how...
My training process is both technological and universitary, mainly achieved through professional training which allowed myself to compare two different teaching systems.
Completely convinced by this second chance school, I decided to promote the professional training by monitoring adults both in their resarch projects, but also in the program acquisition.
Welcome teenagers facing scholarly difficulties heading to employment without having true training and without totally mastering reading and writing skills.
Monitor adults in training projects and by teaching
Propose to the non-French speaking public to learn French, in an environment in which more and more families decide to establish themselves in Switzerland or in France.
Mastery of the basics for children who have academic difficulties
(reading, writing, mathematics)
Help to research and complete professional training projects or apprenticeships
Monitoring and eductional support during the training process
Teaching French language to non-French speakers
Scopes and field of expertise